Strawberries nutrition facts 

This page of strawberries nutrition facts is all about the prevention of serious-disease and blindness; and making delicious smoothies for breakfast.

These little joys for breakfast are low in calories, yet so sweet, but don't let that bother you even if you are watching the pounds; both the glycemic-index and load are negligible.

I go along with Weight-Watchers, up to a point, that the calories in fruit do not count; even those banting are allowed berries.

However if you are seriously diabetic, I then would advise caution. Keep the load down by sticking to no more than half a cup; about 4g of net carbs.

Or as with all starches, take a walk after the meal. 

Strawberries eyesight

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 17th May, 2021.

Fruit should be a vital part of your program to prevent serious illness, so cut out all your strawberries, and the like, at your peril. That is one of the reasons why I am rather dubious about some of the keto diets, despite some very obvious benefits.

Our modified Banting plan strongly limits all refined carbohydrate but not that in fruit and legumes; nor that in whole-grains. Did you know that white rice has a much higher glycemic index than both sugar and honey? Nearly a half of all Americans have dangerously raised blood glucose and hypertension[1].

Testing at home for prediabetes is not that difficult if you know someone with a glucometer; two-pricks of the finger.

Here is an aside at strawberries nutrition facts; likewise you dare not cut out all the good fats even if you are on a stringent weight-loss plan.

Actually weight loss research proves that all dieting is a fruitless waste of time. A year later, after the substantial pain, only five percent of folk have actually lost pounds and many have put on a good few.

They are a vital part of the myelin sheath that coats neurons; new research is suggesting that a very low fat meal plan is part of the cause of the nasty nerve-conduction illnesses like Lou Gherig's disease.

So even if you are concerned about your weight don't worry about the calories in strawberries; 23 per half-cup. Like all fruit they contain large amounts of fibre; that is what helps re-establish the intestinal microbes.

And certainly don't cut out all the fats from your food, especially those from the olive and avocado. These are supremely important, vital lipids. In fact, provided you are eating many coloured fruits and vegetables I would recommend cream on your strawberries; preferably at Wimbledon.

Remember that sixty-percent of the brain is fat.

Calories in strawberries

Strawberries nutrition facts are to be exact 136 kcal per 100g, or 45 per cup.

There are 11g of total carbs, but only 8g are net in a whole cup; the rest are fibre.

Do you understand about net carbs? It is important to understand how they work.

With two-thirds of Americans being either overweight or obese, researchers at the Tuft Friedman School studied the effect of many food groups to avoid yet more added pounds.

Berries rich in phenols and apples came out tops being strongly linked with less weight-gain.

If you have a problem with your girth, then the very readable research "Changes in Intake of Fruits and Vegetables and Weight Change in United States Men and Women Followed for Up to 24 Years," is well worth studying.

Obesity is strongly associated with pain, premature disability and an early demise; enjoy more berries and apples. Those researchers found that starch-rich refined corn and potatoes are most strongly associated with weight gain; to that we should add white rice.

On a personal note, purely anecdotal, we enjoy plenty of new potatoes and corn straight from the garden to the pot, with greens at least twice a day, and have not the slightest problem with our weight.


Smoothies of course can be made with any fruit, add a slosh of yoghurt or kefir, but absolutely don't add sugar; perhaps a touch of raw honey, if you can get it, for sweetening. And of course in season, strawberries to make the foundation instead of a banana.

The deep-pink colour of your smoothie is just perfect.

An inexpensive hand-blender is fine, but just don't add ice blocks unless you have a top-notch machine designed for them.

Even the fussiest child won't turn down a smoothie rich in strawberries nutrition facts.

Smoothie with strawberries

Perfect on the slap-up breakfast menu

There are not many of us not battling with raised cholesterol, and we know that it means increased risk of heart disease and stroke. A porridge or muesli made from steel-cut oats is the number one super-food for reducing LDLs. I eat them every morning for breakfast. You should too, if you have a problem and have to take statins.

Having said that, raised cholesterol is caused by high blood glucose from refined starches, not the cream and marbling on a juicy steak that you've eaten. The liver then turns the glucose into triglycerides and attaches the larger fat molecules to proteins for transport to the adipose tissue; that is where the dangerous LDL comes from.

Sprinkle some nuts and fruit on your muesli. That could be dried raisins, figs or any of your favourites. Then add some fresh fruit; whatever is in season. In spring strawberries should top the menu. The benefits of these little gems are without equal. A tablespoon of freshly-ground flax seed for omega 3 oil too will turn it into the perfect weekday breakfast.

Get more details at grinding flax seeds.

Some protein for breakfast is vital if you do not want to be feeling weak and trembly at eleven o'clock. That could be, if your cholesterol is good, an egg or yoghurt. Personally, I confess to being odd, but I love a good scoop of homemade hummus, made from our authentic recipe, with my muesli.

That is one reason why my cholesterol taken last week was 4.2 mmol/l (about 160 mg/dl); dangerously low! Actually it is hardly affected by the fat you eat; it's that sugar.

Strawberries nutrition facts

Strawberries nutrition facts are perfect for smoothies and wonderful in prevention of serious illnesses; not to mention the much-loved flavour.

Protein 1.040.670,261,1
Carbohydrate 11.97,71423
Calories 451365289
Fibre 2,52,02,42,6
Calcium 401665
Magnesium 1013527
Potassium 179153107358
Zinc 0,060,140,040,15
Selenium 0,10,40,01,0
Vit C 48,5594,68,7
Folate 3924320
Vitamin A 230125464
Vitamin D 0000
Vit E 0,40,30,20,1
Vit K mcg 0,12,22,20,5
MUFAs 0,0550,040,010,03
PUFAs 0,060,160,050,07

Nutritional value of strawberries

Okay, let's face it squarely; strawberries are quite high in calories. But, there is a big but; because of the low glycemic index and low glycemic load they are not fattening. Strawberries do not cause an insulin rush.


The real nutritional value of strawberries is that they are richly packed in the antioxidants zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamin C.

Notice that there is 20 percent more vitamin C in strawberries than in raw, freshly squeezed orange juice.

The pepper and chili family are next in the vitamin C pecking order by the way, and passion fruit, or granadillas as we call them, but do not blend the latter into your smoothie. The pips when smashed have a bitter taste.

The benefits of strawberries far outweigh any of the slight concerns you may have about the calories. It is the sugar sprinkled on your fresh fruit that is fattening.

That does not apply to refined fruit juices by the way; they are extremely fattening and will give a strong surge in your blood sugar, and then the fat-storage hormone, insulin.

Our best advice, and plenty of other doctors, is get back to enjoying food the way your great grandparents prepared it, if you want to be strong and full of vigour like them.

They would not have had cartons of strawberry-flavoured juice in the fridge.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and your family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

What is more, OJ in a carton contains only a quarter of the vitamin C in strawberries.

One of the other great benefits of strawberries is that they are rich in antioxidants called phenols. It's this powerful combination of antioxidants in minerals, vitamins and these natural organic substances which gives fruit its ability to promote well-being and prevent disease. Eat them regularly and you have two thirds lower risk of getting the Big C.

Oh, and not to forget the folate, a vital vitamin in short supply in most Western food and particularly high in strawberries. It is part of the package necessary to keep toxic levels of homocysteine down.

All in all, strawberries nutrition facts are something for us all to keep in mind; especially if you can acquire or grow them organically.

Early symptoms of arthritis

A Dutch myth had it that strawberries were of no more value than flavoured water! Interesting research shows that people who regularly eat fresh strawberries have much less arthritis.

Do you know the early symptoms of arthritis? Just one more reason to enjoy your strawberries nutrition facts; and its first cousin, broccoli osteoarthritis.


What more interesting facts about strawberries do you want? The taste, pure heaven. Less arthritis and malignancies, easy to prepare, perfect on your cereal in the morning; perhaps not every day, but three times a week in the spring and summer? Don't forget the mulberries and blueberries.


Serious about strawberries nutrition facts? This de-stalker will make the preparation of your strawberries easier...

Strawberry destalker
Strawberry stalk remover


In order to enjoy the nutritional value of strawberries traditionally you would have to break your back to pick them. Good for the chiropractor perhaps, but better still these commercial raised trays of strawberries...

Benefits of strawberries in trays
Benefits of strawberries grown commercially

Interesting facts about strawberries

What's interesting about strawberries is that, although they are quite sweet, they have both a low Glycemic Index of 40, and a very low G Load of 3.6.

That means they give a very small blood sugar spike, and virtually unnoticeable insulin rush; read, they aren't fattening. The myth is that they are high in calories and thus fattening; the reality from strawberries nutrition facts is that they should be regularly on the dessert plate in season, and they certainly will not add to the waistline. That is assuming you do not cover them with sugar.

This means that they are the perfect fruit if you're on the modified Banting food plan.

Mind you, all berries are allowed anyway on the authentic Banting way.

We get obese from glycemic carbohydrates rather than fats interestingly; of course, they too contribute to the total calories but one is not constantly famished whilst banting; hence its success in weight loss.

Why the modified way? We consider the banning of most fruits and legumes positively dangerous. And unnecessary, as they have a low glycemic index; they aren't fattening.

There's so much myth in foods. Just enjoy your coloured foods and you are half way to being strong and well. Actually seven eighths of the way; so include a substantial dose of strawberries nutrition facts in season.

Natural pest management is vital when growing strawberries; birds and many insects love them too.

Benefits of strawberries

And enjoy as many different colours as possible. Hidden in the phytochemicals are all the food anti-oxidants that will prevent tumours from forming. In fact, research shows that who enjoy nine coloured foods per day can look forward to a 35% lower all cause of death. That's massive folks. Make strawberries one of them when they're in season. 

Yesterday, I had granadillas (passion fruit) and half a mango for breakfast, green beans and pickled beets for lunch, and a spinach salad. Add a kale and feta quiche for dinner, and always a tomato for the prostate gland. Did you know that every man SHALL have at least one every day? Why? Oh, and of course olive pate on my sandwich.

I wouldn't rate strawberries as invasive alien species but passionfruit certainly is.

Strawberries Nutrition Facts QUIZ

What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

Do you know the ten commandments of food security?

Total antioxidant capacity

Total antioxidant capacity, or TAC, gives a measure of the protection a food gives against the damaging effect of free radicals in the body.

Free radicals damage our DNA and are involved in the natural degradation of food; it spoils, or goes bad. Antioxidants reduce this process and in particular protect our genes.

As stated above, much of the antioxidant capacity comes from its high vitamin C content; much of the rest comes from the large amount of so-called phenols in berries.

Berries in general have the highest total antioxidant capacity of all fruit; just another reason to enjoy the strawberries nutrition facts regularly when they are in season.

Starting a compost pile

If you want to grow delicious strawberries then of course you need rich, nutritious soil. The key is starting a compost pile. It costs nought but the sweat on your brow; and physical exercise is in dire need by the body in any case. Turn the ballgame off, and get into the garden.

Not only strawberries nutrition facts, but all fruit and veggies grown in the organically composted garden will be sweeter and have more flavour.

The next step after the compost pile is a chicken tractor design; but that's another whole league for the serious gardener.

"When the world wearies,

and society ceases to satisfy,

there's always the garden."


Lower back exercises are a must for every gardener; believe me, take it from your friendly chiropractor, prevention is better than a cure. Mind you, lounging on the couch in front of the TV is even harder on the back surprisingly than gardening. So, if you like to sit, you may do these too!

Why on a Bernard Preston website?

Good physical vitality is vitally dependent on the trio of sound nutrition, plenty of exercise, both specific for your weak areas and general like walking, and a strong spine.

Not boasting, but on a recent visit to my GP to remove a spec of brick dust that became embedded in my eye whilst using an angle grinder, she remarked: "Only your fifth consultation in twenty years, Bernie."

To add to that, a few visits whilst in Holland, for a skin disease, courtesy of my gliding days, out in the midday sun, and two threatening detached retinas; too much time at the computer!

My point? Do you want to keep out of the clutches of doctors, and chiropractors too? Taking a cupful of medicines every day?

  • Iatrogenic illness ...

Think about subjects like strawberries nutrition facts, consider hummus, what about pole beans and tofu. If drugs pass between my lips, or the good wife's, more than once a year it is a lot. Include back exercises. You too can be strong and vital... but some effort is required to get back to natural living.

Use the Site Search function in the Menu bar to find the links to those topics such as iatrogenic illness above and olive garden nutrition highlighted in bold.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

There are so many foods that contain small amounts of natural anti inflammatory substances; strawberries are only one. Consider too the oleocanthal found only in extra virgin olive oil.

Eating foods like these strawberries nutrition facts on a regular basis means less pain, less inflammation, few doctor's visits and more fun in life.


Bernard Preston

Bernard Preston is a semi retired DC with a passion for keeping out of the clutches of medicine, and drugs. Let food be your medicine, rather. In season that should include attention to strawberries nutrition facts, and other fruit of course.

He is the author of six published books, and is busy with the seventh, tentatively titled Priests Denied.

Strawberries nutrition facts is just one of his many interests. Yesterday he was flying a glider 6000' above sea level.

Greater well-being is mostly about the simple things in life. Nutritious choice foods, more exercise and time away from the hustle and bustle in the great outdoors; and, when all else fails, there's always the garden.

  1. Screening for Type 2 and Prediabetes. Web:

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