If Bernard Preston's inspirational books do not awaken in you the desire to live long in the land, then alas I have failed! Oh yes, and the desire to sit under those trees you once planted, to nurture those grandchildren you have borne.
Alas, sometimes it takes a fist banging on the skull, or a pick axe to break open the frozen sea within us. Is poor health trying to tell you something...? Just where are you planning to live, if you don't look after your bod, eh?
Linoleic acid in sunflower and soybean oil promotes inflammation by altering the omega-6 to 3 ratio; this increases the risk of bowel disease and prostatitis.
Continue reading "Linoleic acid in sunflower and soybean oil promotes inflammation."
Steel-cut oats recipe lowers the glycemic index by toasting first with a cinnamon stick and then something else unique.
Continue reading "Steel-cut oats recipe is quite different and okay on a keto food plan."
Solar powered generator upgrade points out it hurts only once if you do it properly the first time. Returning an inverter for a more powerful device is costly.
Continue reading "Solar powered generator upgrade suggests you don't go less than 5kW. "
Rich kefir smoothie makes for a happy tum by helping to maintain the myriad of swarming bugs in the intestine; and giving them plenty of fibre to feed on.
Continue reading "Rich kefir smoothie combines the benefits of a probiotic with greens."
Beta-carotene deficiency is rare but many have a moderate shortage from their yellow foods; taking it as a supplement is unnecessary and potentially dangerous.
Continue reading "Beta-carotene deficiency causes blindness; two vitamin A molecules."
Carbs in the life of a believer shows how modern milling has taken natural grains and turned them into pseudo-foods from the Devil's Pantry.
Continue reading "Carbs in the life of a believer reminds us of the richness of seeds."
Believers can enjoy green mealies but ultra-refined maize is straight from the Devil's Pantry; all of the bran and most of the nutrients have been extracted.
Continue reading "Believers can enjoy green mealies completely without guilt."
Maize-meal porridge is a very simple starch to cook but made using the refined grain it is very glycaemic, fattening and devoid of good nutrition.
Continue reading "Maize-meal porridge is only worth making from whole corn."
A mealie a day is a staple in many countries but once refined it becomes a junk food of the highest order; the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are gone.
Continue reading "A mealie a day would provide much of the starch we need for energy."
The magnificent mealie, once refined and refined becomes a prime-cause of obesity and diabetes in South Africa.
Continue reading "The magnificent mealie is a delicious, affordable and nutritious food."
Rose petal honey mead adds a little mystery to what is already an astonishingly good and even nutritious aperitif; unlike commercial wines it is unpasteurised.
Continue reading "Rose petal honey mead has the sublime fragrance of a million flowers."
How to plant broad beans as they are very high in vegetable protein and B vitamins; also the only source of L-dopa for those with the neurodegenerative disease.
Continue reading "How to plant broad beans in spring and autumn helps with Parkinson's. "
Risk factors of Parkinson's Disease discusses the many toxins we are exposed to from our food and the environment; causing the neurodegenerative conditions.
Continue reading "Risk factors of Parkinson's Disease include an unhappy bowel."
Pan-fried toast gives a rich and luxurious flavour to one's food. But will it make you fat?
Continue reading "Pan-fried toast provides a delightfully crispy base for your meals."
Of tremors and things gives the rationale for growing a legume known as the fava to manage neurological conditions such as Parkinson's Disease.
Continue reading "Of tremors and things considers how broad beans can provide dopamine."
Bread for diabetics considers two factors; the overall carb load and the roundedness of our meals. Glycaemic starches are killers.
Continue reading "Bread for diabetics is allowed in moderation; keep the GL down."
Panera bread menu recipe makes baking a delicious, nutritious low GI loaf so easy using a small oven; manage yourself the sugar, salt and preservatives.
Continue reading "Panera bread menu recipe gives you control over the ingredients."
Out of tune with the world tells how Bernard Preston finds meaning in life in his Green Garden.
Continue reading "Out of tune with the world brings a few thoughts from Wordsworth."
The wonder of worm farms is that they also turn kitchen and garden waste into protein for your chickens; and a surge in the flowering of fruit trees.
Continue reading "The wonder of worm farms is the organic fertilizer they produce."
Broad bean tips will contribute greatly to those suffering from Parkinson's disease and other tremors; it is all about dopamine.
Continue reading "Broad bean tips are for those wanting more vegetable protein."
Natural vs organic wine and mead also looks at whether the product was pasteurised and sterilized; and if the honey used had been heated.
Continue reading "Natural vs organic wine and mead concerns how the fruit is grown."
What is emulsifier in food used, for example to disperse lemon juice into olive oil for a salad dressing? They make up a large part of ultra-processed meals.
Continue reading "What is emulsifier in food is a disturbing question of wellness."
Musings from the summer vegetable garden ponder the wonderful feast that is provided and also a thankful heart to God; my cup runneth over.
Continue reading "Musings from the summer vegetable garden bring great tidings."
Magnesium from corn and beans will supply plenty. Most of us are getting no more than half of what is required; and cannot possibly be in sparkling good health.
Continue reading "Magnesium from corn and beans is an element needed for 300 reactions."
Make your home resilient because each Earth-Hour reminds us that catastrophic weather conditions will destroy the world if we do not reduce greenhouse gases.
Continue reading "Make your home resilient to the change that is coming to our world."
Health benefits of avocado fat along with the olive comes from a fruit tree. Oleic acid is the vital compound that encases nerves in a myelin sheath; without it we would die.
Continue reading "Health benefits of avocado fat; the queen of the monounsaturated oils."
What are legumes is also important to grasp for those on very low starch food such as the ketogenic, Banting and Paleo diets.
Continue reading "What are legumes? The world is desperate for cheap protein sources."
What are new potatoes? Along with the reds they are known as waxy; they have half the glycemic-load, passing through the SI to the colon partially undigested.
Continue reading "What are new potatoes? The starch is resistant; can be eaten by all."
Excessive sugar drives dementia and stroke particularly when accompanying a highly refined carb diet which also floods the portal blood stream with glucose.
Continue reading "Excessive sugar drives dementia and stroke; less than 10 tsp per day."
A breakfast rich in vitamin E gives a great start to the day; over 60% of the population have less than the desirable concentration in the blood.
Continue reading "A breakfast rich in vitamin E protects the heart and the prostate."
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