Steel-cut oats recipe

This steel-cut oats recipe is quite different even on a ketogenic diet unless you are morbidly obese or an unstable diabetic; then for a period all carbs must be strictly limited, even the good ones.

There is masses of research showing the benefits of unrefined oats, but let's be sure we are talking about the same grain. The quick stuff that comes in a box will affect your blood-glucose, and ultimately your waistline in the same way as chocolate cake. Worse, since it is so tasteless you will be adding spoonfuls of sugar.

All the goodies have been extracted from refined grains and are sold to the pig farmer. We are left with what can only be described as junk-food; and that includes boxed oats.

Steel-cut toasted whole oats.

Rolled and steel-cut oats still have the fibre that makes them so friendly; it keeps you regular and slows the absorption of the breakdown products, mainly glucose.

Still let's be honest and acknowledge that even the best oats is a carb and unless you are discrete, it will add to your waistline. Keep portion sizes small which limits the glycemic-load.

Toasting steel-cut oats in butter.


  1. A good chunk of butter
  2. A couple cups of steel-cut or rolled oats
  3. A stick of cinnamon
  4. 1/2 tsp salt
  5. Two cups of hot water.
  6. A jug of cream
  7. A tablespoon of honeycomb

Go for it

  • Heat the butter on medium-high in a large pot.
  • When it begins to turn slightly brown toss in the unrefined oats, salt and the cinnamon-stick.
  • Using a spurtle stir continuously until the most gorgeous aroma reaches your nose; about 3 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, wait a couple minutes and then add a few cups of boiling-water.
  • Put the power on again and bring to a vigorous boil, stirring madly, and then turn off the heat.
100g Cinnamon bark packet.

You may need to bring your oats back to a gentle simmer for a few minutes or even a quarter-hour, taking care that it does not boil over. Let's be honest and admit we never know just how much of the goodies the millers have removed. It may well be that they have no conscience and are selling you a pig in a poke.

Completely unrefined steel-cut oats recipe needs to be cooked longer.

"Skep op" as we would say in South Africa; dish up half a cup of this steel-cut oats recipe.

Now add a tablespoon of whole honeycomb into your hot breakfast; stir vigorously and, when the beeswax has melted, slosh in your cream. You may want to pour in a little Jersey milk depending on how you like your steel-cut oats recipe.

Firstly why add the cinnamon? Oats as we know is a starch and if it is in anyway way refined, removing the bran, protein and fats, then it will certainly contribute to our waistlines and the likelihood of diabetes in the future.

Cinnamon has scientifically proven qualities of stabilising blood-sugar and helping with the control of diabetes[1].

Notice that the coarse bark is dirt-cheap; less than a dollar for 100g.


Fully capped natural honeycomb.

Natural honeycomb is the single only medicament that is proven to help with fatty-liver, a terminal disease, that so many of us are flirting with. It is caused by regularly enjoying highly refined carbs; white rice, soft bread rolls and chocolate cake.

Ironically fatty-liver is caused by chronic excessive carbohydrate consumption and not by butter, cream and cheese.

The only other imperative, one that most of us find very unpalatable, is to completely eschew refined carbs. Cake-flour, sugary donuts and colas are the death of us.

Natural-honeycomb is quite different; you may have to start beekeeping to have a treat like this regularly in your home.

Alternately use raw honey. Yes, if you want your family to be healthy and strong you do have to go out of your way; there are no short cuts.

So our steel-cut oats recipe, completely unrefined, with added cinnamon and beeswax is a treat that will tickle your taste buds and increase the family's wellness.

The disease associated with refined carbs is not to be messed with; it will shorten our lifespan by decades and end in tears. This steel-cut oats recipe with added cinnamon and beeswax will add years to your life; and it tastes divine, believe you me.


Cook enough of your steel-cut oats recipe to last several days. In an interesting process called retrogradation the molecules of starch change their orientation when cooled overnight and then reheated; it makes it more difficult for the enzyme amylase to break down the carbohydrate chains into sugars. In scientific jargon it reduces the postprandial rise in blood glucose.

That means it is less fattening and less likely to affect us if we are prediabetic.

"Starch retrogradation is also desirable in terms of nutritional significance, due to the slower enzymatic digestion of retrograded carbs and moderated release of glucose into the blood-stream."

- Copeland and Wang[2]

Steel-cut oats recipe

Steel-cut oats recipe lowers the glycemic index by toasting first with a cinnamon stick, something else unique and quite different; honeycomb and added butter and cream. However keep the portion size small if you are carrying extra pounds or are diabetic.

In the early days of Banting the proponents went overboard on added fat of animal-origin. The guru, Prof Tim Noakes, acknowledges this and now recommends only a moderate increase of butter and cream, for example, and rather more protein instead.

Of course none of the ketogenic diets would approve of this oats, but if you follow these principles of using cinnamon and honeycomb then there is strong science supporting your decision to add this wonderful cooked cereal to your breakfast. Whole grains stay with you all day; it is called the "subsequent meal effect" keeping you satiated and your blood glucose steady.

As for quick oats from a box, don't touch it. It is tasteless and you have to add spoonfuls of sugar to make it palatable. It's like giving your child chocolate cake for breakfast; rather feed the mites the whole grain with cinnamon and honeycomb; and bit of cream. It will take an extra few minutes to eat it.

Of course most breakfast cereals are little different[3].


There is significant protein in whole grains but there continues to be research stating that a little extra would be good for us, particularly legumes.

You could add a tablespoon of this homemade hummus, but we enjoy Eggs Hilton most days with our steel-cut oats recipe.

We will never be truly healthy as long as millers are allowed to extract the protein from our oats and sell it off as pig-food. Or if we continue to buy their refined grains.


There should always be some fruit in your breakfast; smoothies are so quick and easy to make but I do recommend only a third of a banana; they are quite high in carbs.

This kefir smoothie is one of my favourites; the probiotic is simple to make in your own home. In just one week it cured 15 years of a serious struggle with stomach pain that had me sitting up in bed groaning at least one or two nights a week.

Kefir breakfast smoothie.


You will by now of course have noticed that we are not afraid of carbs; provided it is a whole-grain. Whether it's that in the oats and honey, the toasted artisan bread in Eggs Hilton, or the fruit in a smoothie they do not phase us.

I am utterly convinced that it is the refined carbs like quick oats, commercial bread and of course colas that are our downfall. Don't touch them if you want to live to a ripe and vigorous old age.

Cost of steel-cut oats

In South Africa the retail price of steel-cut oats in 2021 is R23 for 1kg, making it quite an expensive grain.

1 cup has a mass of 100g approximately and when cooked makes five servings.

So 1 cup of cooked oats costs R2.30 / 5 or roughly 50 cents per serving. Even being generous with butter, honeycomb and cream you have a solid start to your breakfast for under one rand.


Betaine is an important nutrient linked to greater well-being and prevention of disease. In grains it is found mainly in the bran, so when refined there is far less. Whilst oatmeal has about half of that in wheat it is still an important source.

It's no mystery why whole-grain is better.

What the heck is betaine? Perhaps this is question only for the academic, but let it be said that it is important in reducing inflammation in the body, a very significant issue today. Are you suffering from angry muscles and joints?

Gluten free

There are many concerns about gluten-free products; one of them is that researchers have found they contain no detectable levels of betaine[4].

Steel-cut oats recipes have no gluten but have reasonable levels of betaine; just one more reason why they contribute so much to our wellness. But please note, those bought out of a box are probably refined and have far less phytonutrients, and perhaps none.

Steel-cut oats recipes have an important role to play as functional foods; promoting wellness and helping prevent disease.

Prevention is indeed better than a cure; trotted out regularly and then completely ignored by the majority.

Low-carb breakfast

It has always has been, and will continue to be foolish to assume that food good for one group of people can be assumed to be beneficial for all.

There's no question of it, a low-carb breakfast, high in fat is good for diabetics[5].

In the morning scientists have shown that glucose intolerance is at its highest; consuming carbs results in a large, rapid increase in blood sugar. Does that mean we should all avoid this steel-cut oats recipe?

Comparing a low-carb breakfast with a standard meal of cereals using minimal fat clearly suggests that diabetics should avoid this steel-cut recipe; or have only a very small portion, probably with added cream or butter.

With 10% of adults being diabetic, half of them unbeknown to themselves, it would be highly beneficial for everyone to use a continuous glucose monitor for ten days every few years. You would then know with certainty whether this steel-cut oats recipe is for you or not.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and your family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

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56 Groenekloof Rd,

Hilton, KZN

South Africa
