French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche

French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche is for those who have given up cake flour for ever but still love a good tart. That means no puff pastry; is there a healthy alternative for the base?

Nearly a half of those enjoying typical grocery store food are insulin-resistant; diabetes lies in wait just around the corner. If you desire to live long in the land, free from pain and the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, refined carbs have to go for ever. The alternative is too ghastly to contemplate; stroke, heart attack and the probability of injecting yourself daily.

Over a third of the adults in some communities now suffer from type-2 diabetes.

The alternative is a wholegrain base; it won't be as light and fluffy obviously but ironically will be even more tasty if you use sourdough. The influence on blood sugar will be far less.

French onion wholegrain quiche


  • Thin slices of frozen wholegrain sourdough bread
  • 3 large onions
  • A few blanched leaves of kale and spinach
  • 3 eggs + milk for a batter
  • 2 TBSP butter or olive oil
  • Slices of sweet peppers
  • Herbs
  • 100 g of Blue Cheese
  • S&P

Go for it

  1. Cook the onions gently on low heat in half of the butter with the lemongrass and thyme fronds for half an hour.
  2. Place buttered slices of wholegrain bread in the baking dish.
  3. Pour one egg beaten with a few TBSP of milk or cream on the bread base.
  4. Shred the blanched kale thinly over the bread.
  5. Crumble the Blue cheese over the kale.
  6. Spread the onions over the cheese.
  7. Pour the other beaten eggs and milk over the onions.
  8. Bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
  9. Allow to retrograde overnight in the fridge. Reheat if desired.

The herbs

Frying onions with lemongrass and thyme

Everyone has their favourite herbs so there is no prescription. For today's French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche I am using lemongrass, thyme and garlic; sprinkle the chives over the quiche when it comes out of the oven.


Understanding retrogradation is a huge step forwards in the battle with obesity and insulin-resistance. Depending on a number of factors most starches are digested quite quickly producing a blood glucose rush; that's fattening.

Simply allowing your quiches and tarts to retrograde overnight in the fridge slows down the digestion. The starch molecules form hydrogen bonds, attenuating the action of the enzyme amylase that releases the glucose. You can still reheat the dish should you desire.

Wholegrain sourdough bread

Astonishing as it may seem you can prepare a sourdough in just 5 minutes. Then it goes into the bread machine; five hours later you have the most nutritious and tasty loaf in the world. Slices will make the perfect base for your quiche; keep the puff pastries for high and holy days when we can indulge ourselves just a little.

The acids released by sourdough fermentation slow gastric emptying; the stomach contents are discharged into the small intestine where the digestion of the starch and absorption of the sugars occurs.

Using a wholegrain flour releases two important hormones; one early on sends a message to the hunger centre of the brain before you have enjoyed an "elephant sufficiency," the other to the pancreas to start producing insulin.

There is another huge step upwards to greater wellbeing when using 100% wholegrain flour. Then you also get all the vitamin E that is nature's anticoagulant.

The lignans in bran are nutrients that help prevent malignant breast tumours. Just one helping of a true unrefined grain daily reduces the risk by almost 50 percent; that's massive.


kale broad leafedThere are many different varieties of kale

Kale is one of the most important of the dark-green leafy vegetables; a phytonutrient called lutein. But it's much disliked because unless the leaves are young and freshly picked they are pretty awful. Fortunately it is very easy to grow; there should be a few plants in every garden.

It's estimated that well over 5 million Americans are needlessly blind because of an aversion to green leafy vegetables; particularly if they smoke. And three times that number are partially-sighted; kale, spinach and broccoli are not difficult to grow.

Adding kale and blue cheese to the quiche


There are many different keto dishes following various philosophies about food; they all have low carb and high fat in common.

Our particular understanding of a healthy diet is low refined carb with fat mainly from plants and dairy. Butter and cream remain controversial; we believe that it depends on what else you are eating. For the meat and potato boys, they may be a real problem. For those into their greens and whole grains we think it's okay. Have your own cholesterol tested.

So that means very little sugar, cake and bread flour; polished rice and refined maizemeal must go for ever too.

Your French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche makes a very nutritious meal; high in protein and fat, low in refined carbs. The kale and herbs add their own phytochemicals.

Adding French onions to the kale and blue cheese quiche

Notice none of our foods are stored under plastic. The research about phthalates is scary; infertility, preterm births and childhood obesity to mention just a few.


thyme perennial plant

Thyme is one of our favourite herbs; and so easy to grow in a pot. Just snip off a couple of the fronds and toss them into your cooking. They add a very special flavour and several unique benefits.


Lemongrass is a much forgotten herb that is so easy to grow. Once established the plants provide an abundance of shoots to add exotic flavours to your cooking.



Do not be caught out by the Big Fat Lie. Millers are allowed by international law to call their products "wholegrain" provided they do not extract more than 40% of the best parts[1]; the germ and bran which protect us against cardiovascular disease and malignant breast tumours.

Wholegrains are hard to find; you may have to buy a mill if you are serious about the flavour of your food and the well-being of your family. Those with a gluten intolerance can enjoy them provided they are baked using the sourdough method[3].

100% wholemeal flour from a Hawo millTrue 100% wholemeal flour.


Kaempferol is the bioflavonoid that is credited with giving protection against malignant tumours; onions and kale are particularly good sources.

French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche

After baking Blue Cheese and French onion quiche

French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche makes a low GI dinner; it's superb and remarkably easy to bake. The cherry at the bottom for those who long for better health, especially freedom from obesity and type-2 diabetes is the sourdough base.

Eschew refined grains for ever if you want to live long in the land.

Stale sourdough

One of the joys of stale sourdough is that it can be frozen and used in soups and stews; and in your French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche.

And it's much easier to cut thin slices of frozen stale sourdough bread.

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Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

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