Kaempferol and cancer prevention

Kaempferol and cancer prevention is the subject of much scientific-research; it's just one of many bioflavonoids.

The reason for this is its proven role in reducing oxidative stress in the body. That's the over-production of free radicals in the tissues; and the inability to neutralise and detoxify them.

A divine green salad is rich in the kaempferol that helps prevent cancer.

This page was updated on 5th October, 2023.

If you are heavily into your fruit and vegetables then you need have no concern; you're getting plenty of kaempferol.

You also may be less concerned about the recent directive of the WHO that red meat is "probably" tumour-forming. More important, sadly is avoiding the processed salamis, polonies and bacon that are proven carcinogens; we love them. Keep them for high and holy days.

Kaempferol is a bioflavonoid found in the onion family, for example leeks; broccoli and kale too. In fact virtually all your greens from the garden are good sources. Pole beans, cucumbers and squash are also rich in the compound; apples and berries have this wonder phytonutrient as well.

Even potatoes give some protection to the meat and spuds man but remember much may be lost in the liquids used to cook these vegetables; collect your water and add it when making stews, gravies and soups.

Making vegetable stock from scraps and cooking liquids will enrich all your dinner recipes.

However if you eat little fruit and greens then you should be concerned; you won't be getting enough of the flavonoids that help prevent metastatic-disease.

It all has to do with the wholeness of your food. It's one of the reasons we enjoy mulberry-jam on our bread despite the sugar; the fruit is rich in kaempferol.

On our artisan bread you need have no concerns about butter and jams; there won't be an insulin rush making you fat and potentially sick.

Kaempferol and tumour prevention

Kaempferol and cancer prevention benefits are found in leeks, broccoli and kale; and many other foods. It's a bioflavonoid that has a proven role in reducing oxidative stress in the body, by mopping up free-radicals.

Furthermore scientists are now looking at using kaempferol in the treatment of metastatic disease; for myself I advocate that we enjoy it daily in our food before we are struck down. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, even in a metric world.

It is absorbed in the small intestine and can be found in tiny concentrations throughout the tissues and the blood-plasma, of those who enjoy their greens and fruits daily; giving protection against the free radicals that are so destructive.

Overall vegetarian food plans give 23% protection against gastrointestinal tumours; this is even more true of the stomach where the relative risk is 0.41[3].

Breast and prostate tumours are a scourge in our society; kaempferol has been shown to mediate the estrogen receptors in these organs clearly reducing the noxious influence of the many carcinogens that we all face daily.

The reason it is so effective in all tumours is its ability to enhance the normal programmed cell death of these metastasizing tissues. In short it promotes this so-called aptosis in a wide range of malignancies; one study even shows that it reduces the risk of pancreatic CA in smokers.


In one large study kaempferol from our food was shown to reduce the risk of adult-onset diabetes; and particularly the nasty complications of DM.

In the blood vessels it has been shown to reduce the oxidation of the LDL cholesterol that it is thought causes plaque; by promoting the scavenging of a host of highly reactive free-radicals. Current opinion is rather that it is the raised blood glucose associated with insulin resistance that initiates the inflammation associated with atherosclerosis.

There's a lower risk of heart disease in any event in those enjoying their greens and berries, whatever the underlying physiology.

And so the list of kaempferol benefits  goes on.

I hope you've enjoyed this journey into kaempferol and cancer prevention as much as I have. What grabbed my attention was many articles showing that leeks have powerful properties that help to reduce malignancies.

From there my search revealed that kaempferol is found not only in the allicin family but in a host of fruits and vegetables. Those who enjoy red-meat may be less concerned about its malignant properties provided they are daily also consuming those foods which are rich in bioflavonoids.

As you can guess we too love grass-fed red meat but are finding it increasingly difficult to locate, and it's expensive; so one way or another we are taking to the flexitarian way of eating.

It is one of the ketogenic diets; very low refined carbs and less red-meat.

Understanding net carbs is the way to get your mind around whole-grains and legumes in a low starch wellness plan.

Leeks and green beans are rich in the flavonoid kaempferol that protects us against cancer.

Both the green-beans and leeks in our garden are rich in kaempferol and tumour protection.

So is it with the purple power in these berries which we enjoy for a short-month, and turn them into a delicious jam to be eaten for the rest of the year. Incidentally the good wife has found that when making jellies from fruit which is high in pectin she can reduce the recommended sugar by at least 40%.

Mulberries are rich in the purple power of kaempferol.

Pectin is a polysaccharide made up of a string of glucose molecules; it is the soluble fibre in many carbs that binds dietary cholesterol, reducing absorption from the gut. Yang et al publishing in the journal Anaerobe, found that it also was the most potent starch in stimulating the microbiota in the colon.

I also attribute to kefir benefits for permanently fixing my long-standing stomach pain in only one week.

Pectin is particularly resistant to digestion in the small intestine where many starches, and in particular those that are refined, would normally produce a blood-glucose rush.

Don't just take my word for it; read this review on the dietary flavonoid kaempferol in the journal Medicinal Chemistry(1).

Kaempferol and bone protection

Kaempferol has many other important benefits, one of which is protection of the cells called osteoblasts that manufacture bone. They are damaged by free radicals and what are known as reactive oxygen species. Researchers have found that those exposed to this very important flavonoid on a regular basis are far less prone to injury[2].

Growing leeks

Growing leeks for their kaempferol and tumour prevention properties is really only for the larger garden. Still I love the taste of a fresh green onion every morning in my Eggs Florentine; with the spinach I probably already have enough of this vital bioflavonoid for the day. Toss in a few slips of cilantro or parsley and you have a feast. 

The spinach used to cook eggs Florentine is a rich source of kaempferol.

Allicin benefits

Allicin is another of those phytochemicals that has enormous nutritional benefits as an antioxidant.

Found largely in the allium family these benefits are to be enjoyed by those who love garlic, leeks and so on.

Allicin benefits, kaempferol and tumour prevention are subjects we could wax long into the night about. Meantime just enjoy your organic food green.

Broccoli facts

Broccoli is another of those greens that is particularly rich in kaempferol and tumour prevention. It's known as the queen of the anti-carcinogens; it is also the best source of another phytochemical called glucoraphanin.

Read more about it at this broccoli facts page.

It is also particularly richly found in arugula, also known as rocket.

Mediterranean diet

Two of the five Blue Zones where 10 times as many people live to vigorous old age are found in the Mediterranean. Their diet consists of the following features.


  • Whole grains
  • Legumes and particularly broad beans
  • High fibre vegetables


  • Saturated and trans fat
  • Processed meat
  • Sugar

Women with a high risk of recurrence of breast cancer were advised to go on the Mediterranean diet. Those who made the greatest improvement in their food choices demonstrated a 41% lower risk of a setback compared to those who settled for the fewest changes[4]; that's massive.

Unrefined flour presents the greatest difficulty, particularly since the Big Fat Lie; millers are now allowed by international law to extract up to 40% of the best parts, the germ and bran, and still label them as "whole grain."

It is the lignans in the bran that give protection against breast cancer.

This French onion and blue cheese wholegrain quiche ticks most of the right boxes; there is some saturated fat in the dairy.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

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South Africa

