Apple Salad Recipe

This apple salad recipe is a delicious way to increase the fibre for your colon.

You will be astonished to read how much strong research there is proving that apples help with almost everything from alopecia to athlete's foot[1].

I am exaggerating, of course but the old saying about keeping the doctor away is not far-fetched; it is based on solid science.

Apple salad recipe

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 3rd March, 2024.

  1. 2 coarsely chopped apples, one red, one yellow. That will give your salad a beautiful patchwork of harlequin-colours. Wash those not from your garden thoroughly to remove any chemical sprays.
  2. 1 stalk of chopped-celery.
  3. Half a cup of tiny broccoli-florets.
  4. One avocado cubed.
  5. A good few springs of parsley-benefits. Actually I always chop them, then they get eaten. Most folk think its chief benefit is as a garnish.

Go wild when making your salads. Give vent to your creative imagination because the nutrition facts of apples are vast and proven.

Work on half an apple per person, so this recipe should easily feed four of your best friends.

Never feel inhibited by a recipe. So you love mint; chop in a few of the fresh tips. Do you have none in your back yard? It's so easy to grow. Find a fellow gardener and do some swapping of herbs.

We use mint as a plant-cover; it helps keeps the weeds back between our roses.

Do you really dislike parsley? Well, just leave it out.

  • 1 cup per person of chicken-squares. Aside: The best part from our standpoint is not to purchase the breast but the whole carcass. Why?
  • One half-cup of coarsely chopped walnuts. Why are they the best?
  • 1 TBSP olive oil or homemade-mayonnaise.
  • Raisins, pumpkin and sunflower seeds; and a handful of bean-sprouts will enrich any salad.
  • A dash of allspice makes for something slightly different. Experiment with it; two identical apple salad recipe dish, one with and the other using another condiment.
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon-juice mixed with a couple teaspoons of unchlorinated water. I like my salads damp.

Apple Salad Recipe

The Renoir apple girl would approve of this salad.

"They tell you that an apple tree is only a combination of chemical-elements. I prefer to believe that God created it, and that it is inhabited by a nymph."

Pierre Auguste Renoir

Here is a bit of interesting trivia.

In ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage. Catching it meant she accepted.

I like that.

We feel quite strongly that you should avoid supermarket mayonnaises. Mostly they are made with solvent-extracted hydrogenated oils known to be associated with vestibular brain disease and vertigo; and generally are filled with a host of stabilisers, flavourants and colouring.

It is important to read the labels, avoiding especially any trans-fats.

Rather make your own or it will spoil all the nutritional facts of apples that are so special. It is dead easy.

For more about the dangers of hydrogenated foods and margarine use the site search function below.

Make a bed of salad greens and then lay the chopped apple, celery and broccoli. Interesting new research shows that the young florets that form after the main head has been reaped and even the flowers which incidentally are delicious are richest in the anti-tumour stakes. Now add the parsley and walnuts in a bowl.

Combine your olive oil, allspice and lemon juice; and the water.

Toss the mixture with the chopped apple, celery and broccoli. Add your cubed chicken squares. Tofu makes a lovely, healthy protein alternative to meat or cheese on a salad. If you find it too bland, soak the pieces first in brandy. That will loosen your guests' tongues at your luncheon.

We think that over and above nutritious food as exemplified by apples, plenty of exercise is a non-negotiable. And the easiest and best way to start are the simple and profound benefits of walking.

Do you know what a Swedish stroll is? They take a little walk after meals, dinner particularly, to help with the digestion; less grumbles in the middle of the night. It also means the starch is turned into glycogen instead of glucose which would otherwise have raised blood sugar; and then been stored as fat in all the wrong places.

Allergies are a huge problem for some folk.

They are triggered by an allergen, which is usually a protein that our bodies will not tolerate. Gluten, in wheat is one; milk, nuts and shell-fish are other common menaces. There are many.

Scientists at the Nestle research centre have discovered that mice allergic to milk protein experienced a much reduced inflammatory response if they first thing in the morning fed them an apple-extract. Giving it later in the day had little beneficial effect.

Of course they will soon be marketing the extract. How about enjoying an apple a day before your glass of milk, peanuts and bread?

Toss a mixture of chopped tomato, paprika and sweet peppers on the dish; shallots and radishes too. Sprinkle a tablespoon of chopped young sweet-basil leaves over the salad or rustle up some homemade pesto; it's so easy.

Add a handful of olives and perhaps some Feta cheese squares to complete your apple salad recipe.

Dribble with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and a few drops of water if you like it moist; I do.

"I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger."

- Unknown

This apple salad recipe could never be described as boring.

A side dish of bright salads

To really finish off your lunch, mop up the juice with some bread (and a little butter if your cholesterol is okay); and perhaps spread with Tahini, my favourite on a slice.

Searching for something specific? Say, "

  • How to make tahini at home in two minutes.
  • Sesame tahini.
  • What are phytosterols?
  • Olive pate.
  • Pickling olives.
  • Pesto - make it at home. Janet and Santie will show you how.
  • Tofu nutrition.

Yes you will notice a passion for Mediterranean food at our website; it not only tastes terrific, is easy to prepare but is also proven beyond all doubt to be friendly to your heart and nerves. Don't ring in all these changes overnight; just pick up a packet of olives together with a bottle of tahini to start with.

And of course olive oil should be the queen of your table.

What are phytosterols?

What are phytosterols is an important question if you, like me, want to have your butter and eat it. They are compounds that have a structure very similar to cholesterol; and compete at absorption sites.

This tomato salad would enhance your apple recipe.

Enjoy enough of lunches like that above and our apple salad recipe; you need have no remorse about reverting to butter on your bread. I expect you like me find margarine absolutely ghastly. And so it is, and the latest collation of all research on the subject reveals that we should never have been pressured to give up dairy; it is a myth that it is the cause of obesity and heart disease.

But what are phytosterols remains an important question; only then truly can you have your butter and eat it with abandon. Enjoy an apple salad recipe regularly.

Ultra-processed foods

Definition of UPFs remains controversial and difficult; it gets into issues that we really don't want to talk about. It would include chips, salty snacks and biscuits, for example. But what about anything made from cake-flour or cornmeal?

Ultra-processed foods have been transformed using an industrial process.

Margarine would be an example, where the oils have been hydrogenated. Flour would be another in which the bran and germ have been removed.

Another that is closer to home for me is honey. Once heated and refined it is completely changed, dramatically raising the glycemic-index as the sugars are affected.

The definition of ultra-processed foods would also include the addition of unhealthy fats, salt and sugar. Every chocolate cake in reality is a UPF; and that we really don't want to talk about. Hence the levels of obesity have risen so dramatically.

The addition of flavourants, colourants and preservatives touches again on another controversial area; virtually all industrially processed-foods.

Our apple salad recipe cuts right across that. From the fresh salads and fruit to the homemade dressing it makes up a completely unprocessed food.

“The slow violence of child malnutrition in South Africa has two forces at work.

  1. One is poverty and inequality that absolutely limits the choices of both adults and children.
  2. There is a global food industry where a company like Nestlé admitted earlier this year that more than 60% of its products are unhealthy."

- UCT Children's Institute


To make your Apple Salad Recipe into a memorable meal you are going to need some more side-dishes; and some dips. Tzatziki you can make in a flash; it will give your lunch a Greek touch.

You can find it at our Olive Bread Recipe page.


A few slices of pickled beets go well with any APPLE SALAD RECIPE salad. They too are filled with soluble fibre, the best solution for constipation.

In the clinic, we are regularly faced with the constipated patient. Whilst a sacroiliac joint treatment adjustment can make a difference, should there be a fixation in the SI, getting more fibre in the diet in simple and quick ways is of the utmost importance. Our apple salad recipe with all the known-facts about the fruit in just one of those many delicious menus.

Of course there are health benefits of juicing your apples or carrots, especially if you have a surplus growing in the garden; however the processing needs to be weighed in the bigger picture.

  1. You can enjoy the extra nutrients but that important fibre for the microbiome is lost.
  2. These juices are also highly glycemic; they too are ultra-processed foods.

Nutritional facts about apples

Apples are rich in pectin, the soluble fibre that gives you a happy bowel; mostly in the skin. On the side, it also inhibits the absorption of cholesterol, particularly the noxious LDL fraction.

There is now a mass of strong research proving the an apple a day does in fact keep the doctor away. It reduces tumours, improves breathing and helps babies with tummy-troubles.

Plus it has a very low glycemic index, making it a highly desirable carbohydrate. The natural sugars in apples are absorbed very slowly, and do not provide an insulin rush. The same cannot be said of the refined juice.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and your family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

Every salad needs some oil, firstly to make it more palatable; and secondly you will be less hungry in a couple of hours' time. The healthy fats for a salad come from the olive and the avocado. Both should be regularly in your diet for the omega acids essential for nerve conduction. 

Few things will finish off a salad better than a couple dips. They are mostly easy and quick to make but our hummus does require some planning. You will need to soak the chickpeas at least overnight and pressure-cook for 25 minutes. Thereafter it is a breeze. Each of these dips you can make in under ten-minutes.

Avocado Benefits and an Apple

Avocados are rich in the amino acid tyrosine that is vital for transfer of daily events to our long-term storage centres in the brain.

This is not small beer we are discussing; it's about having a healthy memory at eighty instead of premature senile dementia.

Apples are high on the cholesterol lowering stakes. Do you have a family history of heart attacks and stroke? Eat more fruit in general.

choice foods

It is all about doing our level best, with the scientific nutritional research behind us, to reach a healthy eighty so we can enjoy the grandchildren and sit under the trees we once planted. The alternative is too ghastly to contemplate. Deceased at fifty with breast cancer or a stroke at sixty are the stark alternatives.

Strong science confirms that those who consume only small amounts of fruits and vegetables are twice as likely to die from malignant tumours when compared to those who enjoy them daily.

And the fact of the matter is that nutritious choice foods taste divine.

Tabbouleh bulgar wheat

Ask any Lebanese person which salad is almost always on the summer lunch menu and they will certainly reply, tabbouleh. A mixture of parsley, mint and very ripe tomatoes; olive oil and lemon juice and bulgar wheat complete the dish. Otherwise just enjoy it with wholemeal bread.

I used to make bulgar wheat; however I see no nutritional benefit over a slice of true wholemeal bread; if you can get it.

Top 7 functional foods for your health

Top 7 functional foods for your health is a vitally important subject and it is no coincidence that apple salad recipe ranks highly.

Let's be honest; eating a whole apple for breakfast is quite hard work. Perhaps keep a half for this quick curried chicken recipe.

An apple, eggplant and chicken recipe.

It may look a little like a dog's breakfast but it contains four of our top 7 functional foods for your health.

Bernard Preston books

If you love reading in general and about apple salad recipe in particular, and you are into nutritious choice foods and outdoor living then I guarantee you will love my books; or your money back, dinkum.

I have yet to hear from one single person that they did not finish one of my Bernard Preston books. They did after all take five years each to write.

My seventh book is progressing nicely; the first married pope in a thousand years.

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