Homocysteine Cardiovascular

Homocysteine cardiovascular disease is in fact the underlying cause of many illnesses. You do not have to be an organic-chemistry major to find value in this page.

Why is this substance so implicated in a host of sicknesses? This page could equally easily be named after stroke, Parkinson's disease and many other conditions such as osteoporosis caused by this naturally-formed but toxic byproduct of protein metabolism.

It is a naturally-occurring intermediate that is formed in the body from the breakdown of methionine which is rich in many foods that we eat on a daily basis; dairy, fish and meat.

Seeds and grains too are protein-sources containing methionine.

What is homocysteine?

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 6th November, 2023.

Methionine is deficient in legumes so in our hummus recipe, for example, we boost its content by the addition of a sesame-seed paste called tahini. It is an essential amino acid in protein metabolism; a deficiency causes a very serious disease called kwashiorkor.

No human can survive without methionine from their food.

Vegans must balance their proteins to ensure that they contain all the essential amino-acids. On the plus side they tend to eat plenty of the foods rich in the vitamins and minerals needed for methionine metabolism; they just have to make sure they get enough of it from whole grains.

Methionine is found in roughly equal amounts in the bran and germ of oats and wheat in particular; much is removed in the refining process.

In normal metabolism, homocysteine is immediately converted in the body into two very important substances.

1. GLUTATHIONE is a very powerful anti-oxidant and detoxifying chemical in the body; it prevents premature aging.

  • It keeps you young and slows the aging process of your body. But for this to happen, we require high levels of zinc; and vitamins B2 and B6. Without them the enzymes that convert homocysteine to glutathione are inhibited, and the concentration of this toxic methionine-intermediate in the blood rises.

2. SAMe is a powerful anti-arthritic chemical in the body; and it helps prevent depression. It is involved in the production of the neurotransmitters in the brain; the chemicals involved in mood, for example, memory and how well you sleep.

  • But the conversion of toxic HOMOCYSTEINE to SAMe by enzymes requires adequate vitamin B2, B12 and Folate; and zinc. If these co-factors are not present in adequate quantities, yes, you guessed it, the levels in the blood increase; that is indeed bad.


Whenever the scientific community comes across a treatment that claims to be able to cure everything in the body from acne to athlete's foot, it becomes very skeptical. As a result the discoverer of the toxic-effect of homocysteine was for decades left out in the medical wilderness.

Copy and paste "The H factor" into Site Search in the main menu above for more information.

Homocysteine Cardiovascular

The authors of the H-factor claim that high homocysteine levels in the blood are one of the chief causes of cardiovascular conditions, Alzheimer's disease and metastatic tumours; strokes, arthritis and more than 50 illnesses too.

Frankly I was skeptical too; until I discovered there are now over 200 research articles in highly-respected scientific journals confirming the toxic effect of high levels of homocysteine in the blood.

Here is an example; writing in the New England journal[1] of medicine, researchers describe the association between homocysteine and narrowing of the carotid. Arterial-stenosis means not enough blood can get through, in this case to the brain. 

High levels of LDL cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, is very dangerous in the body; it is beyond dispute.

But high levels of homocysteine change the LDL into an even more dangerous form called oxidised cholesterol. This substance attacks the intima, the innermost layer of arteries, causing atherosclerosis. These walls then harden and thicken and macrophages begin to stick to them.

Furthermore high levels of homocysteine makes the blood clot form more readily than normal. The overall result is not enough oxygen to the brain and all organs, of course; and a high risk of stroke and cardiovascular-disease.

In short like diabetes and smoking, high homocysteine levels cause arterial disease, and that means that every tissue in your body is under threat; acne to athlete's foot, and baldness to ingrowing-toenails.

Why on this website?

There are several reasons. The first that comes to mind is that it is now proven that persons suffering from atherosclerosis will also experience more lower back-pain. Moreover they respond more slowly to all forms of treatment, simply because the lumbar plexus of arteries are blocked. Less blood means slower healing.

Secondly whilst ours is a relatively safe profession and serious iatrogenic-illness events are very rare, patients with raised homocysteine and the associated atherosclerosis must be amongst the higher risk group.

Metastatic disease

In tumours the cell's DNA is damaged in some way. Most scientists are leaning towards excessive oxidation by free-radicals as the main cause of this alteration of the genes.

The result is uncontrolled proliferation by the damaged DNA of the tissue affected; we become prone to profound metastatic disease.

GLUTATHIONE is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants in the body.

Not enough zinc and B vitamins > drop in the conversion of HOMOCYSTEINE to GLUTATHIONE leading to a double-disaster:

Low Gluthathione, the body's chief anti-oxidant means raised homocysteine, and consequent destruction of the intima of your arteries. You become seriously sick.


Diabetes type 2 is intimately involved with homocysteine cardiovascular illnesses, as are many other diseases.

Parkinson's disease, dementia and depression

Poor homocysteine metabolism has huge repercussions in the body, affecting every tissue and organ.

Healthy homocysteine metabolism means you have a normal cardiovascular profile, and likewise for all the other fifty-plus illnesses.

This is a vast-subject. Far too big for this page; too big for a whole website, in fact.

If concerned, get tested; as simple as a blood prick.

Are you concerned about your HOMOCYSTEINE CARDIOVASCULAR profile? If you are enjoying these vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients on a regular basis, then you can relax.

Of Parkinsons's disease we should all be eating broad beans as they do in all Blue Zones where strong and vital old age is the norm; they are the only reasonable source of a phytonutrient that is the precursor of dopamine.

And the beta-cryptoxanthin in whole citrus fruit is the most powerful phytonutrient known to prevent the onset of dementia. Limes, grapefruit or oranges should be on our platters daily; freezing lemon juice[3] is how we make sure we can be certain all year round. In just 30 minutes you can pick and squeeze enough fruit for a whole three months.

Homocysteine and osteoporosis

Research done on a large group of people from the Framingham Study found that men had four-times the risk of hip fracture, and women a 190pc increase if they had raised homocysteine.

Their conclusion was that the homocysteine concentration in the blood, which is easily modifiable by simple dietary intervention, is an important risk-factor for hip fracture in the older person.[2]

Researchers propose that raised homocyteine interferes with the cross-linking of collagen in bone, without actually affecting the density. This confirms the belief that our hips and vertebrae can be brittle without being osteoporotic.

Benefits of folate

The benefits of folate go far beyond homocysteine cardiovascular disease; just the prevention of spina-bifida is a good enough reason to enjoy your greens daily. Take a look at the lettuce nutritional value.

Treatment of homocysteine cardiovascular diseases

Being a writer myself, I am not going to cheat Dr James Braly and Patrick Holford of their paltry few cents that publishers pay authors for all their grind. Buy their book; it makes  for compelling and easy reading. It's profound yet light.

In short if you are eating foods rich in the anti-oxidants, all the coloured fruits, salads and almonds, then you are half way there. If uncertain take a supplement rich in the B vitamins and zinc; then you are 80% sure of avoiding homocysteine cardiovascular-disease.

Nevertheless scientists are now adamant that getting these important substances from our food is far superior to that from supplements. For the rest, read the book.

A poached egg on a bed of spinach.

"The greater the diversity in your gut bacteria, the less stiff your arteries will be, and that lowers your risk for heart attack and stroke."

- European Heart Journal [4]



Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and your family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

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