Green chili sauce recipe

Green chili sauce recipe in early summer is just my favourite; both as a connoisseur of choice-foods and as a wellness practitioner.

Here are the seedlings in spring waiting to be planted out once the danger of frost is over; look forward to delicious food and less pain in your joints and muscles.

I know I am paddling furiously upstream against the current but I have grown tired of eating out; our fast dinners are much tastier and they don't give me the grumbles in the middle of the night.

Green chili seedlings.

These little beauties will transform an otherwise dull but nutritious dish into a gastronomic delight. In the seeds and the placenta that holds them is the anti-inflammatory solution to your angry joints and muscles.

Copy and paste "anti-inflammatory chili" into Site search for more information.

Green chilis for your sauce recipe

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 7th June, 2023.

The whole pepper family is one part of getting onto an anti-inflammatory diet.

The young specimens above are not at all hot yet, not the fiery kind anyway but will give any and every dish that delicious flavour of Mexico, India and Thailand. Does the whole-world not love chilies?

Spell it however you like, by the way. It seems that we have accepted that any one of the many versions will do.

Have you got a plant in your garden incidentally? Pop a few in amongst the flowers. They really are the easiest to grow; chilies are perennials.

Prune back the dead branches and they will green up in the spring.

I love the young chilis because I can add them to all sorts of our choice dishes; and the little people still enjoy them.

My two-year old grandson tucks into eggs Florentine for breakfast every morning without a complaint; he loves to hold the young chili and drop it into the pot.

Train your young children to eat nutritious, whole foods and you will be astonished how much better they behave and fare well in school; and have fewer visits to the doctor.

They too will have less painful joints and muscles and generally be of a much sweeter disposition. Don't feed them a continuous supply of sugar, white flour cookies and cakes; next thing they will be on Ritalin.

By midsummer, those rather dull looking green chillies will draw comment from all and sundry in your front garden as the put on their bright red jackets. Are they not handsome? These are jalapenos actually; rather less hot than the ordinary cayenne.

Jalapenos if you like it hot

Green chili sauce recipe

Green chili sauce recipe can be mild using fruit before it turns bright-red.

There are only two basics in this recipe; chillies and onions. For the rest, you add your favourite herbs and spices.

This is what mine looks like.

  1. 1 TBSP of butter.
  2. 1 large onion, finely chopped.
  3. 1 cup of chicken-bones stock.
  4. 1/2 tsp freshly-ground ginger.
  5. 1/4 tsp freshly-roasted and ground cumin seeds.
  6. Half a cup of roasted green chillies, seeds and all.
  7. 3 TBSP of cooked and mashed chickpeas to thicken.
  8. Salt and pepper to your taste.
  9. Extras such as coriander and oregano.
Green chillies BBQ

Peppadews too make a wonderful green chili sauce; they are rather less hot but no less spicy. But they are so difficult to purchase so we have now been growing our own with great success.

A peppadew cottage industry could make a few bob on the side, methinks.

Pressure cookers

Pressure cookers are a must in the kitchen of every busy food-lover; they reduce the boiling time by two thirds; obviously there are electricity savings too. We power ours by the energy from the sun, but that's an optional extra.

Solar pressure cooking will make interesting reading.

First prepare your chicken bones broth. Place them in a pressure cooker, cover with boiling water and and extract the cartilage on the highest mode for about twenty-minutes.

Roast your chillies under the grill, or on the BBQ.

Meantime fry your onion and fresh-ginger in the butter. Unlike most I like to slightly burn them; just a little.

Add the blended chickpeas and ground-cumin, salt and pepper.

Strain and add your hot chicken-bones stock and simmer until it starts to get thick.

Stir in your roasted chillies and any other spices such as the oregano, heat thoroughly for a few-minutes and then cool.

Keep it in the fridge; finish your sauce within a few days.

If you like it hotter, add a few red chillies; it you want it mild use only very young green-fruit.

So are you ready to plant some chilis in the garden? Set out half a dozen seedlings from your nurseryman once the danger of frost is over; it's best to put the stake in first. Make sure you water them regularly if there is a hot and dry spell.

Jalapenos have about a fifth of the heat of conventional cayenne chillis. The problem is that you never quite know where the bees have been; should they last have visited a super-hot Trinidad scorpion in your neighbour's garden, then even a mild sweet pepper can be on the warm side.

I always add a Jalapeno to our eggs Florentine. Just tasting the first mouthful of spinach and egg this morning, I knew that I wasn't going to bite into that green chili; its fire power was red-hot.

The heat rating of chilis is measured on the Scoville-scale. Jalapenos are around 8,000 units; and the ordinary cayenne chili about 50,000. Some like it hot; they go over a million.

Anti-inflammatory capsaicin

Anti-inflammatory capsaicin, the active ingredient in jalapenos that gives them their piquant flavour, should regularly be in the diet, even if in small quantities. This green chili sauce recipe is just one simple way to enjoy the protection of this phytochemical against painful muscles and joints.

Interesting research reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled "spicy food and the stomach; evaluation by videoendoscopy"[1] concluded that highly-spiced meals in normal people do not cause mucosal damage to the gut.

Interestingly they found that 11 out of 12 individuals taking an aspirin with a bland meal developed multiple gastric erosions. Aim for a life without medication[2]; eat more chilies. 

Let your food be your medicine; make sure it includes capsaicin benefits.

This green chili sauce recipe and fresh-tomato recipes are just divine.


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Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
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  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
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  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
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  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home
Freezing chillies

Cooking chickpeas

It's far better to cook your own chickpeas. Soak at least two pounds of garbanzo beans overnight, rinse thoroughly and then pressure-cook them for twenty minutes.

Freeze in cup-sized packets; then it's ready for making your green chili sauce or hummus recipe too.

What is cumin?

What is cumin is an important subject for the connoisseur, and especially if you enjoy dishes like this green chili sauce recipe.

Don't use powdered cumin from one of the many spice companies. It loses its flavour very quickly. Buy the whole-seeds and periodically roast them, grind them in your little blender and keep it in the fridge. It's much cheaper and really, very quick and easy.

Then you've got a ready supply of cumin for hummus too; it really makes our Mexican avocado-soup and the chicken-broccoli recipe. 

Fresh-spices and herbs are the answer. Go through your bottles and turn out all the old stock! It's not worth spoiling choice, nutritious food with lousy condiments.

Don't know what is cumin?

Likewise growing coriander, collecting the seed and grinding your own fresh spices for your chilli is no sweat; it shoots up like a weed. Before it flowers, the green "cilantro" will delight any salad. Incidentally, it's one of the richest sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, the carotenes that protect you from age-onset blindness.

Copy and paste "what is cumin" into Site search in the main menu above for more information.

Choice foods

Nutritious choice foods are to my mind as a DC not an option. You either make time for them, or you spend far more consulting doctors. This site is, in part what I call slow food, made fast. Whilst there are recipes where there are no short cuts, those like this green chili sauce don't need to take a lot of hours if you are prepared now and again to spend a little extra roasting cumin, and pressure-cooking chickpeas.

It really does not take much time to collect and freeze your chicken bones does it?

Bernard Preston

Bernard Preston is a semi retired DC who is passionate about good living, free of medication, and environmental issues like collecting rain and sunshine and trying to wean off plastic. The great virtue of this green chili sauce recipe is its anti-inflammatory properties. 

He is also the author of six published-books which you can find on this site, and is busy with his seventh.

  1. Spicy food and the stomach. Evaluation by videoendoscopy.
  2. Life without medication. Web:

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