Recipes for Swiss chard

Recipes for Swiss chard are so simple and quick; they fit in perfectly with our slow-food, made fast philosophy. Or is it spinach you have?

Both are real Popeye-food filled with good nutrition.

Spinach has small leaves with a tender stem but those in your raw Swiss chard are fairly tough depending on its age. There are various options.

  1. Devein them and either discard the stems to the compost-heap; or chop them finely and cook them first for a couple minutes before adding the leafy portion.
  2. Again devein your mature Swiss chard leaves and then blanch them for two minutes.
  3. Blanch the whole very young leaves briefly and enjoy them as a salad.
Swiss chard and spinach

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 8th January, 2024.

Do you see the larger stem of the Swiss chard on the left and the spinach on the right?

It is Shrove Tuesday before Lent which means we can indulge in pancakes. They really are junk food but perhaps add a spinach, onion and feta-cheese filling; then you have a treat which you can enjoy without too much guilt.

We have decided to keep cake flour for high and holy days only; along with sugar it's probably the chief cause of obesity. 

I have seen some research that there is even more of the nitrate that helps lower blood pressure in the stems; nothing wrong with them especially when young and freshly-picked.

Eggs Florentine

Eggs Florentine remains my favourite nutritious choice breakfast.

Swiss chard eggs Florentine.
  • Lightly fry half an onion in a dab of butter and if you like it hot, add a jalapeno slit in half.
  • Toss the coarsely-chopped Swiss chard on the onions.
  • We have a glut of green peas at the moment; it's optional.
  • Half a chopped tomato is an option too.
  • Add a couple tablespoons of water and steam on high heat for a few minutes.
  • Slice a clove of garlic.
  • Toss the garlic and eggs onto the steaming mass of Swiss-chard.
  • Boil for another couple minutes, making sure there is enough liquid or it'll burn. I actually like it slushy so I add a bit of extra water. 
Swiss chard eggs Florentine in a pot.

Meantime butter a slice of grilled low-GI bread; ladle your Swiss chard and eggs mix onto the toast. Discard the jalapeno if it is too hot for you but they are loaded with an anti-inflammatory phytonutrient called capsaicin[3]; it's very good for the prevention of our aches and pains.

Swiss chard eggs Florentine on toast.

It is all about getting your eight or more coloured foods every day in an easy and enjoyable way. Strong research shows that there's a 35 percent lower all-cause of death.

Just in this recipe for Swiss chard you have three colours; four if you include the lime.

Start your day with a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice; or better still this four citrus fruits mixture. Now you already have your eight coloured foods; and you are still only at breakfast.

OJ from a carton alas doesn't count. In fact it is a negative because of its higher glycemic index.

It took me just two minutes to slice and press this juice. It is worth the bother and to top it off, the taste is heavenly; always include the pulp where more than half of the goodies are found.

You see coloured food improves your eyesight; so there are less car accidents. Magnesium-heart tells its own story.

Tomatoes reduce the prevalence of prostate tumours by fifty percent; and replacing some of your animal protein with peas means less breast CA.

Beets mean far less anaemia; and apples have been shown to dramatically lower cholesterol.

Whichever way you look at it, coloured foods are tasty and relatively easy to prepare in the main.

Either enjoy these choice foods regularly or accept lack of zest and wellness in short.

Citrus five fruits in a jug.

Swiss chard food

Swiss chard food is one of the simplest and rewarding vegetables to grow in the backyard garden. Understand more about this basic foodstuff and why it's one of the most fundamentally good plants you can plant at home.

No garden should be without Swiss chard food and no kitchen without these recipes; here the good wife has dunked lightly-blanched leaves in a hot dressing and then smothered it with feta cheese and onion rings. 

Swiss chard salad.

At a separate blog, I'll do a Swiss chard salad. It too is so easy. Another favourite in our home is a kale and almonds recipe; so quick to prepare.

Indian Saag recipe

This Indian Saag recipe brings out the best in kale and Swiss chard and is so easy to make; by using cumin and coriander you have the wonderful flavours of the East without it being chili hot.

Magnesium heart

Magnesium heart is a central-page in your ticker's wellbeing.

We could equally easily write on the influence of magnesium on our joints, the point being that certain anti-inflammatory minerals are vital for normal organ function.

If you have a coronary condition, or it runs in the family digest this magnesium heart page thoroughly. Including spinach, Swiss chard or kale in your daily regimen is so easy.

Add to that the lutein benefit and you'll understand why we are crazy about recipes for Swiss chard; are you needlessly going blind from macular degeneration?

The WHO says that a small patch of dark-green leafy vegetables in every garden would prevent the vitamin A deficiency that causes eight million children to go blind every year; that's right, annually. It's because of the beta carotene.

Spreading knowledge about nutritious choice meals is at the heart of the ten commandments of food security.

Choice foods

Nutritious choice foods are usually coloured like Swiss chard and beetroot; peaches and mulberries too.

Look to your colours if you want to live long in the land with all your marbles and joints intact; those carotenes reduce inflammation and our risk of suffering from a malignant tumour. The Swiss chard nutrition page will give you more of the specifics.

Recipes for Swiss chard

Recipes for Swiss chard are so quick and after radish it's the easiest vegetable to grow in the garden.

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Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

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