Green bean succotash recipes

Green bean succotash recipes are a piece of cake if you also have fresh, young ears of corn.

Corn and beans have been staples since the early-mists of time; a starch and a legume. Add some fat and you have a complete meal.

Easy lunch plate succotash.

In late-summer gardeners will often have a surplus of corn and green beans in their veggie patches. Are you looking for new ways to tempt the family?

Corn and beans are staples in many parts of the world. The combination of a starch and a protein is vital for our wellness. Many folk are turning away from animal to vegetable amino-acids to supplement their diets; that means legumes, of course.

Most often in the western world, corn and beans would both be canned. Frankly, that's not very exciting for your succotash; and far too much added sugar and salt. But home-grown mealies, as we call them and green Witsa climbers make an absolutely delicious dish.

If you want really tasty-food, don't think McDonalds and Applebys; just start planting a few seeds in your own backyard.

Both fresh green beans and corn have what is known as resistant starch; they are only slowly digested in the small intestine having a very minor effect on your blood glucose. Instead they pass through to the colon where they are fermented by the microflora in your gut, forming strongly anti-inflammatory compounds like butyrate.

If you suffer from an autoimmune disease, be it angry muscles and joints, inflamed blood vessels or a very unhappy bowel, read more about this simple technique called reheating resistant starch. Let your food be your medicine.

Starches get bad press but that's because they are so refined these days; get back to the food your great-grandmother served and you will find that you too can be perfectly healthy living on fresh, unspoiled carbohydrate.

What are phytosterols?

What is a phytosterol is a question everyone should be able to answer[5].

Another big plus is that both corn and green beans are loaded with phytosterols; those plant nutrients that defend our bodies against malignant tumours, keep our cholesterol down and for the men ensure that their prostates stay in good shape. That's not unimportant.

Prostate ops and the oft subsequent impotency aren't much fun.

Good Food, Made Fast

I'll be honest, if you are looking for pretty gourmet-meals, go elsewhere to one of the gazillion recipe sites on the web. Here we are talking about tasty, good food, made fast.

Here you will find short cuts for the busy person who wants to feed a hungry-family nutritious, inexpensive meals but doesn't have hours to spend in the kitchen.

It is also about educating your family's tongues. Just as we have to train our children a culture of exercise, learning and promoting things of the spirit, so the taste-buds often need to be cultivated. There is interesting research that shows if you give your little ones junky meals, they become hooked on fritos, colas and fast food in a very short time.

Then they wouldn't be interested in your green bean succotash recipes; nor your fruit salad or just a glass of drinking water when they are thirsty. Everything must be sweet and sugary.

If you want to be well again and take no pills then learn about the term glycemic-index. Understand GI and you will never become obese, nor have to worry about how to undo it. Since we learned about this way we have never had to diet again; nor do we in our eighth decade take any medication whatsoever.

It has meant pulling the sweet tooth.

Sufferin' Succotash

Traditional succotash is made with lima-beans and corn cut from the cob. Good stuff but of course you can use any sort of legumes.

My lima-beans aren't ready but we have a bumper crop of pole Witsas.

Could we use green beans to make Sufferin' Succotash?

Very soon it will be Spring in the Northern hemisphere. That means it's time to order seed, in this instance your favourite corn and pole-beans.

Here in South Africa we are now reaping our summer vegetables. Hickory King mealies and Witsa pole-beans are my favourites. Sweet corn is fine, of course.

Pole-beans bear for months but you'll have to keep planting a row of corn every few weeks.

  1. Four fresh ears of corn; remove the green-husks.
  2. A good few handfuls of green-beans, fresh from the vine.
  3. A good dollop of butter, S&P.
  4. A dollop of thick-cream. If your cholesterol is in good-shape which it will be if you enjoy the kinds of foods we promote at this site.

Green bean succotash recipes

Corn on the plant.

Green bean succotash recipes are rich in vegetable protein and low glycemic-index carbohydrate.

Knowing how to grow corn and having a big enough garden makes for the very best fresh succotash.

The old saying if you really want tasty corn is to put the water onto boil; only then go and harvest your cobs, shuck them and drop them straight into the pot.

Green bean succotash recipes.

PS. Do you understand all that stuff about LDL and HDL; poly and mono-unsaturated? What about omega 3 and 6?

Olive garden nutrition[1] explains it all.

Really it's not that difficult to make changes in your diet. Just the olive oil benefits will make a huge difference to your well-being.

Corn on the cob.

Let's get on with green bean succotash recipes

  1. Heat a kettle and pour the hot water into a large pot. Bring it hard to the boil and then drop the corn-ears in.
  2. Meantime top 'n tail the beans.
  3. Once the corn is boiling hard add the beans to the pot. Cover and simmer for about five-minutes, depending on how old the mealies are. Succotash is traditionally made once the maize is a bit too hard to eat on the cob.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and your family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

Help save the green planet from human-greed and grasp a little of the seriousness of global warming.

I was taught to make green bean succotash recipes by a Lebanese foster-mother. Electricity was cheap and plentiful; she would cook the corn until done, slice off the kernels and then boil the beans in fresh water in another pot.

Save yourself some time and your utility bills. Just toss the beans on top of the corn as it's cooking. Less leaching away of precious minerals too as they are particularly rich in magnesium which research shows is vital in the prevention of arthritis and heart-disease.

Don't take magnesium tablets; just enjoy green leafy vegetables and keep that water for your EASY SOUP RECIPES.

Cooking Green Beans and corn

Corn and beans.

Slice the green-beans and corn

  • When your cobs have cooled a little, slice the kernels from the ears, tossing them back into a small-pot.
Cutting corn ears.

Slice the beans and add them to the mealie kernels.

Vegetable protein

Vegetable protein unpleasing as that may be, is the future for those who want to enjoy long and healthy lives; not many of us carnivores were pleased with the latest offering from the WHO that processed meats are definitely tumour-causing.

And red meat probably is, depending on whether it was corn fed in a feedlot or free-range.

That means gradually reducing our reliance particularly on red meat and replacing it with vegetable protein; legumes like beans and chickpeas. It's being called the flexitarian way.

The green beans for your succotash recipe.
  • Add a good dollop of butter or cream.
  • S&P
  • Heat gently for a few minutes. Stir.
  • Absolutely nothing sweet but you might add a couple cloves of garlic or a slither of hot chili. I don't because it is not traditional but perhaps it is time to try it; we have plenty of jalapenos in the garden. Some like it hot, eh!
Succotash recipe using green beans and corn.

Yes butter is back and none too soon; I always knew that margarine was nasty. Trans fatty acid isomers in hydrogenated-foods are highly toxic. In the context of a meal like this you can have your butter and eat it.

Easy Lunch Recipes

Now I've made a pig of myself.

  • Green-bean succotash recipes
  • Two kinds of spinach, lettuce and rocket
  • Radishes and baby-tomatoes for the prostate
  • Olives and feta-cheese (of course!)
  • Hummus on homemade-bread
  • Olive-oil and a squeeze of lemon
Easy lunch recipes: Succotash.

You could add some anchovies, a leg of chicken or boiled-egg; but red meat absolutely no more than once a day. I aim for no more than twice a week; rather more vegetable protein from legumes.

It takes me 3 - 4 hours to build a webpage like this but including picking the corn, beans and salads it takes me less than an hour to make a lunch like this. GOOD TASTY FOOD, MADE FAST.

Of course the hummus is already done; it takes only five minutes to make our AUTHENTIC HUMMUS RECIPE. And the olives and feta too are waiting in the fridge. A lemon from the garden is a must.

Of course making a compost pile and growing the pole beans and corn takes a little added time. If we want to live to a zesty eighty or ninety with all our marbles and the prostates intact, it's the way to go; do it. Plus there are few more rewarding things than raising your own vegetables and enjoying tasty food that the world out there has no conception of.

"There is increasing evidence that exposure to plants and green space, and particularly to gardening is beneficial to mental and physical health."

- Clinical Medicine (PMC6334070)[2]

Can I let you in on a little secret? I too have a lower back problem. Fortunately I have a daughter who can sort me out (I have a treatment EVERY six weeks regardless) but my spine has never been better than since I've got stuck into the garden. But I do my exercises every single morning before getting out of bed. I never miss. You should do them also. See if you can put your chiro out of business!

Prostate and Statins

So you have raised cholesterol, and your doctor has prescribed drugs called statins to lower the LDLs.

Do you know why doctors do that? Probably because it's dashed difficult to get folk to change the way they eat and to exercise. It is a tad easier to prescribe drugs but it comes at an awesome cost. Research published reveals that taking statins increases the risk of prostate tumours, the number-one neoplasm that kills men[4].


"After examining nearly 400 prostate malignant tumour cases and over 1,500 control patients, we found that use of any statin was associated with a significant increase in prostate risk of a neoplasm."

Whilst this research is controversial (there are others indicating otherwise) it makes sense to increase the phytosterols, such as those found in green bean succotash recipes and tomatoes too; to protect your prostate and simultaneously lower your cholesterol.

FOODS THAT LOWER CHOLESTEROL should be central to everyone's thinking.

Avocados incidentally reduce the other nasty, benign prostate hypertrophy; old man's lurgy. You cannot empty your bladder? Think tomato, avocado and all the foods rich in phytosterols; like our green bean succotash recipes.

Life is about choices. Either you exercise your back or you'll continually be visiting your chiropractor; or worse the surgeon.

Either you eat phytosterols or you will suffer from prostate disease. Or you enjoy a lunch platter like that below instead of taking statins with the attendant cost and risk of impotence. It's your choice.

Growing Green Beans

Growing green beans.

Nothing could be easier than COOKING GREEN BEANS.

I just picked 37 pods from just two plants; neither the first harvest nor the last. On average they contained 7 seeds; that's 90-times increase.

A great hindrance is a little insect. One bug can produce over a million Mexican bean beetle larvae in a season that can decimate the crop. Since introducing free-range chickens we have much less of a problem.

What is Glycemic Index?

Understanding GI is what helps prevent you becoming obese. Foods with a high Glycemic Index produce an insulin rush; that is the hormone that stores fat. Eating foods like our Green Bean Succotash recipes is what helps keep you slender and slim.

Banting diet

There's lots going for the Banting diet as a way of losing weight; but our green bean succotash recipes would be strictly forbidden. No corn or legumes are allowed.

If you are serious about losing weight think rather of this modified Banting diet[3]; one of the few I recommend.

Useful links

  1. Olive garden nutrition. Web:
  3. Modified Banting diet. Web:
  4. Statins increase the risk of prostate cancer: a population-based case-control study
  5. What are phytosterols? Web:

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56 Groenekloof Rd,

Hilton, KZN

South Africa
