Mediterranean diet does not go far enough to prevent breast cancer

The Mediterranean diet does not go far enough to prevent breast cancer; and it's all because of the Big Fat Lie about whole grains.

There's no question of it, the Mediterranean diet is heart protective; and to be highly recommended but it does not go far enough to prevent breast cancer.

Research clearly shows that "making comprehensive dietary changes in line with a Mediterranean diet does not reduce women's risk for breast cancer recurrence or metastasis[1]."

Whole grains lie at the core of the Mediterranean Diet along with fish, olive oil and plenty of legumes; but there's a problem with misrepresentation.

The Big Fat Lie

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.” 

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Big fat lie in the Mediterranean diet

By international law millers are allowed to extract up to 40% of the goodies from flour and still label it as "wholemeal."

The photograph above from a popular Mediterranean Diet site clearly reveals this dishonesty; the bread circled is anything but whole grain. Much of the bran and germ have been extracted.

"One large bagel for breakfast and two slices of white bread for lunch amounts to seven servings of refined flour; with a 47% greater risk of stroke according to research in BMJ[1]."

Nor is it a slip of the pen; another graphic on the same page again confirms that the term "wholegrain" is used in a very misleading way. Why is this is so important in the prevention of breast cancer?

Refined flour bread in the Mediterrean diet

True wholegrain bread looks and is quite different; it's all about a nutrient called a lignan that is located only in the bran.

100pc sourdough buttered slice of breadTrue wholegrain bread baked from 100% flour

High risk patients

There is strong research showing that patients with abnormally raised blood glucose, metabolic syndrome and insulin-resistance all have a high risk of contracting breast cancer; and after treatment, suffering from a relapse. The five year survival rate is much lower.

True wholegrain flour

100pc wholemeal flour in hands.True wholegrain flour

True wholegrain flour that contains 100% of the bran, germ and endosperm in their original ratios has a vital role to play in managing blood glucose and diabetes; and breast cancer. There is no separation of the three streams.

wheat whole vs wholeTrue and lying wholemeal flour

Its lying counterfeit clearly has less of the bran; the fat, most of the vitamins and some of the protein are extracted too. But by international law this is completely legal. These are the parts of true wholemeal bread that give protection against diabetes and breast cancer.

The Mediterranean diet does not go far enough to prevent breast cancer. It must include true whole grains; not that from lying millers and bakers.

Whole-kernel wheat bread

To give greater clarity scientists have resorted to speaking about "whole-kernel" wheat bread.

It is quite different to "wholemeal" wheat bread.

Particularly when acidified with white wine vinegar or baking with the sourdough method the "whole-kernel" bread gives significantly higher satiety as compared to the counterfeit; and has a much lower GI.

"Sourdough bread has a GI rating of 54 and a GL of 8; while a loaf made from white wheat flour has a glycemic index of 71 and a load of 9."

- Medical News today

Low GI: 1 to 55.

Medium GI: 56 to 69

High GI: 70 plus


Consumption of true whole grains is significantly associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes; and thus of breast cancer. The mechanisms are complex but it concerns the incretin hormones that signal the hypothalamus in the brain; that's what controls the sense of satiety.

In short those eating true 100% wholegrain wheat bread are likely to consume less starch. One slice is enough.


The bran of true whole grains contains important phytonutrients known as lignans. In the gut they are turned into oestrogen-like compounds that compete at sites on the breast reducing the risk of cancer.

In fact just one slice of this true wholegrain bread daily reduces the prevalence of breast cancer by nearly 50%[2].

Long ferment sourdough bread

"One slice of this true wholegrain bread daily reduces the prevalence of breast cancer by nearly 50%[2]."

- Frontiers in Nutrition

Unfortunately true whole kernel bread like that above is impossible to find in grocery stores and even specialist bakeries. You have to mill your own flour to get that protection from breast cancer; the Mediterranean Diet does not go far enough.

About 25% of malignant breast tumours do not have these Estrogen Receptors; it is unlikely that the lignans in bran afford any protection against them. They are "ER-negative."

But for the other 75%, the bran in true 100pc wholemeal has a vital role to play in the prevention and recurrence of breast tumours; one that is missing in any Mediterranean Diet that allows bread made from refined flour.

However these lignans are also found in other completely unrefined foods, in particular legumes; so there will be partial protection for those enjoying the Mediterranean Diet.

This would explain why there is no overall reduction in the risk of breast cancer recurrence or metastasis.

But women who made the greatest improvements in adopting the Mediterranean Diet "demonstrated a 41% lower risk of recurrence" compared to those who introduced the fewest changes.

So clearly those who took real trouble to improve their lifestyle obtained significant amounts of lignans; but the women in the lowest quartile were not getting enough without genuine 100pc bread.


Researchers reporting in JAMA Surgery have found that significant weight loss in women with a BMI greater than 35 is associated with a 40% lower risk of breast cancer[3]; that's massive.

A Mediterranean diet plan that includes refined grains simply will not produce the weight loss needed for this kind of protection.

Mediterranean diet does not go far enough to prevent breast cancer.

The Mediterranean diet does not go far enough to prevent breast cancer. Without the lignans in true whole grains there will be little significant reduction of recurrence or metastasis.

In short in today's world of toxic chemicals and ultra-refined foods it takes a real effort to step up to a life without medication; and the promise of old age without cancer and disability.

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