Frog in my Throat reviews

Cover of Frog in my throat.

Frog in my Throat Reviews captures the accolades from just a few of Bernard Preston's fans.

  • Thank you for re-inspiring me in my studies. I had lost my movtivation and drive. Reading Frog in my Throat gave that back to me. Steven P
  • I must tell you that I enjoyed reading Frog in my Throat immensely, while visiting my daughter who is a student at National University of Health Sciences, in Chicago. The warmth, humour, and sometimes tragedy, and of course the openness of your Christian faith, makes your book a wonderful read. I have decided to buy one and pass it on to Dr P, our local Chiropractor who is a product of Palmer. A different approach being more philosophical, but he has on a few occasions given me excellent adjustments. He too is a committed Christian.

I look forward to reading Bats in my Belfry and wish you well for the year ahead.

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 9th July, 2023.

  • I recently read Frog in my Throat , and can say that it was a real pleasure. I love your insights, and enjoy your way of telling the stories, some of which are quite moving. I especially liked the story about Jane and the sundials. We never know how something small that we do may impact the lives of another. I'm looking forward to Bats next. Mike Wilkerson, Stockholm.
  • I've just finished Frog in my Throat and enjoyed it tremendously. I will definitely go online and buy your second book, when I come back from holiday in 12 days. I was angry and distressed by the book's sad ending. Stories and movies are supposed to end with the hero rescuing the danzel in distress not the danzel screwing the hero after she has been saved! I learned so much from your book and at the same time had a good laugh. Arthur Tovar, Oxford.

“The books, the generous friends who met me without suspicion became the merciful masters who never used me ill!” 
- Wilkie Collins

Frog in my Throat REVIEWS

  • Patrick (writes his wife) loves the Frog and Bats. He is currently reading Frog in my Throat and started relating to Bernie with the first story. He too ran into a doctor early in his career, which refused his referral due to it coming from a chiropractor. He has battled the medical industry off and on for years, probably like most chiropractors but it sure has paid off. He is being courted by one of our local hospitals. It would have been nice early on instead of at the point when you want to retire. Laughable! Anyway he is thoroughly enjoying your writings and hopes he can meet you someday. We have hired an associate to remove some of the burden from Patrick. I don’t think he will be able to take off the three consecutive weeks Bernie recommends but, he has promised to take time off frequently throughout the year. We attended three funerals over the holidays of people who were our age. It really brings life into focus.
  • I am thoroughly enjoying the read. - Libby Phillips, Yorkshire.
  • I have to say that I really enjoyed "the frog" stories, good on you. - Sparky, Cape Town.

Photo of a frog in my salad.

This lady was about to enjoy her greens; she very nearly ended up with a frog in her throat when she uncovered this little fella lurking in a bag of supermarket salad.

Susan put her hand into the bag of salads when she felt something slimy. 'At first I thought some of the leaves had gone mushy, so I emptied out the contents to sort out the rotten leaves; and what did I see? This little frog starting at me unblinking. And then it croaked; I nearly took off!

  • Thank you for all the pearls of wisdom - I really enjoyed the Frog in my Throat book, as well as the excerpts from Bats in my Belfry. - Neil Stakes, Singapore.
  • Your books really ARE great, Dr Preston. You should quite rightly be proud of yourself. - Lorraine Gerber, Giggers Green.

  • I can't predict how fast Tom will read Bats in my Belfry, but last time he read Frog in my Throat non-stop. He has not read anything like that for pleasure, from beginning to end, as long as I have known him. - Linda Rapp, New Jersey.
  • Enjoying Frog in my Throat immensely. Recognizing many situations with our patients and medical doctors. - Kenneth Lehart Jensen, D.C., Denmark
  • Frog in my Throat was fun and I like the definition the author gives at the end of his book, excellent. - Dr Ben Bolsenbroek, Chairman, Netherland Chiropractic Association.
  • Just a note to say that I have just finished Frog in my Throat, and how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have been inspired, and on some of the long dingy working days, I think back to your wise words and get enthusiastic again. Some of your case histories have proven to be very valuable. I wonder how many times I have missed a cancer or something else sinister whilst trying to spare the patient a few rands. Half the time we won't even know what we missed.

Thanks for the inspiration, the laughs and for giving me the upliftment in chiropractic that I have felt slipping away over the last while. I can't wait for your next series of adventures. - Dr M, South Africa


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Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
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  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
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  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home
  • Thanks for the copy Frog in my Throat while I was in Durban last. Good luck and keep those novels coming. Great to see someone write and feature chiropractic. Enjoy your stay in Europe. - Dr Tom Hyde, USA.
  • What a lovely surprise to find a copy of your book. You and all others concerned must be congratulated on a fantastic presentation - the cover, the typeface, the illustrations - the book has such a nice 'feel' about it. - Steve Murray, South Africa.
  • I have disappointingly just finished your book! It was really really good and I wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed it. I thoroughly look forward to the next one! - Michelle Wessely, Paris.
  • I really enjoyed your book and my patients love it. - Dr Kendrah Da Silva, President Chiropractic Association of South Africa.
  • The book is also peppered with stories about Preston's life and how he often learns as much about how to live it to the fullest from the strength of his patients as they are able to do after his treatments. Great stuff. - Katy Chance 'This Day'.
Bernard Preston at a book signing at a conference at Vilamoura, Portugal.
  • Congratulations on your great book. May it be followed by many more. - Dr David Cramer, USA
  • Imagine this! I have read your book with great interest! It is a wonderful book. At last I know who you are and have the opportunity to tell you how much I have enjoyed this effort. Please accept my hearty congratulations on the book. - Dr James Winterstein, Chicago.
  • The book is very relevant to anyone who is practising as a chiropractor and is well illustrated with some funny anecdotes about patients, bee-keeping and gliding. There is a twist at the end that makes us all feel "there by the grace of God" go any of us. It is great to see books like this out there and would recommend it to any DC that would like to see their own life from a colleague's perspective. Tom Greenway, London.
  • Why a review of a delightful book of short stories in S.A. Soaring? Well principally because the author is a member of our S.A. soaring community. Also because among the twenty-seven gems are a few to do with his gliding experiences; fun and interesting reading for all of us. The chief thrust of the short stories revolves around his life as a chiropractor in a small town in the KZN midlands. He claims that the people he writes about are entirely fictitious but you cannot help but believe that only the names have been changed. The characterisations are so true-to-life that they remind you of people you also know. Even non-medical people will find interest in the variety of patients he has profiled and the difficulties and joys that his profession has brought him in his chosen profession. A man of many parts - teacher, hiker/climber, squash player (retired), bee-keeper, birder, fly-fisherman, carpenter, general hobbyist (sundials a speciality), motor cyclist...and glider pilot; all these aspects of his full life (a family man, not least) come into play in the stories - to keep your interest alive. Yes, Frog in my Throat has a basis in fact - a patient presented with just such a problem; flirting patients and one that finally caused a scandal to burst around him; you will have to read the book yourself to learn the fascinating details. An excellent companion to have with you whilst you are waiting for the thermals to pop, or for your turn to fly. - Steve Murray (Safety Officer SASS)
  • Just LOVE this story - well done !! I have taken the liberty of forwarding it to our Executive. - DR REG ENGELBRECHT, Bloemfontein.
Careful or you may have a frog in your throat.

Cover of Bats in my belfry.
Cover of Stones in my Clog.
  • Bernie's passion, Gliding, where only fools dare!
Photo of a glider, one of Preston's passions.

Swan Lake

The frogs from Swan Lake.

This six-minute video is a must. See frogs as you've never seen them hopping about. And then the swan ... watch the frogs, watch to the end ...

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South Africa
